Autokeeler Plugin for Abaqus
The Autokeeler Plugin
The Autokeeler Plugin helps the user to create Forming Limit Curve (FLC) curves used for Forming limit diagram (FLD) damage criteria in Abaqus. The Plugin implements three ways to create the FLC:
- Based on Keeler-Goodwin law
- Based on the modified Keeler-Goodwin law
- User input data
Is a good complement to define material properties for metal forming simulations, like bending simulations coming from the Bending Pipe plugin.
Why the Autokeeler plugin is developed?
From a feasibility point of view, during the metal forming process, it is critical, to the capacity of the metal to resist large strains. Thus, predicting the necking instability is the key to determining damage initiation and to having a good simulation.
One of the criteria most used is FLD Damage initiation. The restriction of this criterion is that the strain’s path should be linear. The shape of the curve based on Keeler-Goodwin is the most used but is not valid for all metals.
The Keeler-Goodwin formulation has been implemented in The Plugin for Abaqus users to create quickly the FLD taking the elastoplastic definition of the material.
What is the FLD criterion?
The FLD was introduced by Keeler and Backofen (1964) and is used as a continuous damage mechanism criterion due to necking instability in sheet metal forming simulation. The disadvantage is that the strain paths should be linear. For more information on this criterion, read section 24.2.2 of the Abaqus Analysis User’s Guide in the Abaqus documentation.
Who this plugin is for:
- Engineering or science students and professionals who need to use the FLD criterion of Abaqus to solve metal-forming simulations
- Advanced students, Ph.D. students, or researchers who need to do metal forming simulations and apply the Keeler-Goodwin laws in their projects
- Any Abaqus Application Engineer who is involved with various simulation projects daily
What you’ll gain
You will be able to create forming limit curves (FLC) based on Keeler-Goodwin laws or directly by defining the point list.
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