
One of the most important and influential industries has been the marine industry since ancient times. One of the things that makes it important is the overall movement of goods at low cost and easy. Today, 90% of the world’s freight is handled by ships. The cheapest way to transport goods is by ship. Ships are also one of the cleanest means of transportation in the world.

In the past, yachts were used for transportation. But today ships with advanced propulsion systems are in service. The power of a ship is about 1000 times the power of a normal car. Shipbuilding and other surface and subsurface vessels need to meet different standards while requiring high technology while building them. At any given moment, about 20 million containers are at sea level. The other importance of the offshore industry is in the extraction of deep-sea oil and gas. The economics of many countries depend on the daily production of these materials. Therefore, their equipment must be manufactured with high precision to minimize service interruption.


The submarine is one of the most basic capabilities of a country’s naval fleet, which greatly guarantees its existence. The various systems used in a submarine are among the most sophisticated equipment in the world. All of this demonstrates the importance of carefully designing and manufacturing ships, platforms, submarines, and other offshore structures. Because with the slightest error in making these offshore structures, it costs a great deal to its creators.

One of the tools available to shipbuilders and naval architects is the use of numerical simulation when designing, manufacturing, and maintaining offshore structures. Using numerical simulations, the behavior of the structure before construction is predictable and can be modified if the design needs to be modified at the same design stage. Today a range of phenomena and engineering and physical problems can be investigated using numerical simulation.

Advantages of numerical simulation:numerical simulation

  • Reduce costs associated with model building
  • Modify and improve the pre-construction plan
  • Accelerate the production process
  • Product Optimization
  • Model investigation under different loading conditions
  • Identifying and discovering design weaknesses
  • Increased safety, quality, and reliability
  • Simulating creative ideas and select the bests
Simulation and Analysis:
  • Design of offshore structures
  • predict resistance force
  • Maneuvering forces
  • Structural optimization
  • Modeling of marine propellers
  • Optimizing propellers
  • Performance optimization of a drift system
  • Decrease resistance and erosion force
  • Acoustic footprint Modeling
  • Analysis of fatigue in the marine environment
  • Hydrostatic and hydrodynamic analysis of vessel
  • stability analysis
  • Offshore platforms
  • yacht and sport vessels
  • Speed ​​Boats
  • Composite vessels
  • buoy and wave energy converters
  • Floating analysis at different sea conditions
  • Waves
  • Boat
  • autonomous surface vehicles (ASV)
  • Marine gliders
  • Types of submarines
  • Remotely operated vehicles (ROV)


Compare the test results with simulation towing tank for yacht vessels 55 meters



vessel mooring simulation with DualSPHysics