Coupling engineering software
Couplings of engineering software to achieve the correct answer, according to the problem under consideration. These problems are mainly in the category of optimization, multiphysical and multiphase problems, such as problems related to the geometric optimization of a structure using MATLAB and Abaqus software couplings, or structural-fluid interaction problems known as FSI, which ANSYS software, STAR-CCM + and Abaqus software were used, or noise analysis and the like, which one software alone is not capable of analyzing the whole problem. Contact us if you have problems with modeling and coupler coupling, or if you have a problem that requires coupling several software together. Our consulting services are free.
Software couple application
MATLAB-ABAQUS Optimization
+ ABAQUS-STAR CCM Structure-fluid interaction analysis with co-simulation
Abaqus-ADAMS Modeling and analysis of mechanisms
Abaqus-XFlow Structural-Fluid Interaction Modeling (FSI)